User and Company Lookup

This document explains how to use Lookup analysis in the Moesif’s User and Company Analytics suite.

Moesif supports Lookup analysis for both Users and Companies. Unless this document states explicitly, it uses the term user to represent both Users and Companies for simplicity.


The Lookup analysis allows you to look up individual customers, like a CRM (customer relationship management) system. You can filter by any user properties like email or company domain. Since Moesif is a user behavior analytics platform, you can also filter based on events that a user or company performs. This incluces API calls and custom actions.

Before You Start

Events may take up to 20 minutes to show up in the user analytics screens. If your data has not appeared, make sure you wait until Moesif has completed the instrumentation process and loaded the data.

Create a New Lookup Analysis

You can create a new Lookup analysis in two ways:

From the Create New Dialog

  1. Log into Moesif Portal.
  2. Select + Create New in the navigation menu.
  3. Select Lookup for Users or Companies.

From Users or Companies Screen

  1. Log into Moesif Portal.
  2. Select Users or Companies in the navigation menu.
  3. Select Retention from the dropdown menu.

Example Query

With the Lookup analysis, you can filter users or companies based on properties of a user or company. You can also filter based on events that they have performed within your product. You can add a filter for user or company properties, events properties, or both.

For example, to see all self-service users running into 400 Bad Request error response, you can add two filters:

  1. Users that are not on an enterprise plan. This indicates a custom user property.
  2. Users who’ve made at least one API call in last seven days, getting a 400 Bad Request error response.

Users who had over 1 400 errors


You can refine a Lookup table using filters.

For more information about the available filters in Lookup, see Reference: Analytics Filters.

The following sections discuss some common recipes and examples to demonstrate how to use the filters.

Filtering by User and Company Properties

User or company filters enable you to filter based on customer properties such as email, name, and time of creation. Customer properties are stateful. This means that customer properties can receive updates. Updates can come from yourself to add customer demographic information or Moesif with information like Last Seen Time.

You can also find your custom user metadata and company metadata here.

Users who had over 10 400 errors - User Filters

You can chain multiple filters together by selecting Where and OR.

Filter by Event Properties

Event filters enable you to filter based on the events a customer has performed. A single user or company may have performed multiple events.

Since events represent something that occurs at a single instance in time, you need to specify the time range—for example, Last 24 hours.

Let’s say we want to look up users with the following criteria:

  • At least 10 API calls in the last 24 hours.
  • AND the response is 400 Bad Request error response.
  • AND /purchases/:id/decline OR /purchases as the route of the API calls.

The query looks like the following:

Users who had over 10 400 errors - Event Filters

Event Types

Events can fall into one of two types:

API Calls
The requests hitting your servers at various API endpoints such as GET requests to the /items endpoint.
Custom actions triggered by users within your application or UI—for example, a user signing up.

You can filter by these event types by selecting the Event Type filter.

Creating Event Filters

You can think about combining event filters in two ways:

  1. Customers who performs an event matching both X AND Y, in a single event.
  2. Customers who performs an event matching X AND an event matching Y. This means multiple events.

Filters within the same group (Moesif outlines the group in a box in the UI) matches against the same event. Separate groups match against separate events.

1. Customers Who Perform an Event Matching Both X AND Y

To find a single event that matches multiple criteria, make sure to keep the properties in the same group. Remember that Moesif outlines the group in a box in the UI.

For example, you may want to display all users who made an API call that returned 400 Bad Request error response AND the route of that API call was either /purchases/:id/decline OR /purchases. This means matching multiple properties of the same event. Therefore, the query looks like this:

User Performed Single Event

2. Customers Who Perform Event Matching X AND an Event Matching Y

If you want to match across independent events a user performs, add multiple OR or AND condition boxes. Each filter box then contains the filters for each individual event criteria.

For example, you may want to match against both an API Call and an Action. Let’s say you want to show all users who fall into the following criteria:

  • Made API calls to either /purchases/:id/decline OR /purchases_ URI route that returned 200 OK responses.
  • AND performed a custom action where Action Name is Signed-In.

The query for this looks like the following:

User Performed Both an API Call and a Actions

Event numeric aggregations

Besides equality, event fields also support aggregations such as average, max, or distinct. For example, you can create a cohort of users who accessed your API with over 10 distinct IP Addresses per hour anytime over the last 7 days. This can be done like so:

Users with over 10 distinct IP addresses per hour in last 7 days

Table Actions

You can perform a variety of actions to a Lookup table.

Select Fields to Display

To display more data fields in a Lookup table, select Select Columns and specify the fields. For example, you can select Request.Geo IP.Country as your custom field. Now in the default Lookup view for each user or company, the country where the request originates from appears.

Using 'Select Columns' to display custom data fields in a Lookup table

Any columns you add to the table also appears in a bulk export.

Custom Column

You can also add a custom column containing calculated data from the table by selecting Add equation.

Adding a custom column to display in a Lookup table

A modal then appears where you need to enter the details of your custom column formula.

Dialog to enter custom formula details for adding a custom column in a Lookup table

The formula details include the following:

  • An optional name for your formula.
  • An operator that for the calculation method.
  • Fields or constant values as operands.

For example, the following formula calculates the difference between the first and the last seen times for customers. This data now appears in the column Activity Period in the Lookup table.


If your field is missing, add it via the Select Fields button first. Also, please note the table formulas are based on values currently in the table not based on an queries from database.

Deleting a Custom Column

To delete a custom column, select X in the column header.

Deleting a custom column in a Lookup table

Sorting the Results

  1. Select the field you want to sort on.
  2. Select the sort direction, ascending or descending.

Sorting in a Lookup table

Timestamp Values

In a Lookup table, Moesif parses the timestamps into human-readable format in your timezone. To display the raw timestamp values in ISO 8601 format instead, select Original Raw Values.

Selecting timestamp values in a Lookup table

Adding New Users or Companies

You can also add new users or companies from the Lookup table screen.

To add new users or companies, select + Add Users or + Add Companies. Select the method of import and then follow the instructions on the page. For example, you can use CSV files to import user or company data.

Creating a User and Company Notification

For each user or company, you can create an alert to trigger whenever a customer meets the desired condition. To create a notification, follow these steps:

  1. Apply the filters you want for the alert condition.
  2. Select More Actions and then select Internal Notification. Selecting the 'Internal Notification' button in a Lookup table
  3. Next, you must create a cohort that defines the alert criteria based on the filters you’ve defined. In the dialog that appears, enter the cohort name and then select Save and Continue.
  4. In the next dialog, select the notification channel where you want to send the alert notification to. If you use a webhook, copy the sample payload if you need to.
  5. Select Save.

Exporting Data

Bulk Export is an enterprise feature that provides direct access to your data stored in Moesif. It allows you to efficiently retrieve hundreds of millions of User and Company Lookup data from Moesif and quickly load them into data warehouses like Snowflake, Redshift, and BigQuery.

You can use Bulk Export both from Moesif UI in the browser and Moesif Management API. Using the Management API, you can set up recurring bulk exports for different use cases—for example, a data pipeline that feeds your data in Moesif into a data warehouse like BigQuery.

Supported Export File Types

Moesif supports the following file types for bulk export:

CSV files have some of the widest support for many of your favorite tools. This makes it ideal for exporting user and company data to your CRM and more.
JSON has become a standard for parsing data quickly for scripting purposes. Many fields in Moesif are deeply nested, making JSON an ideal choice.
Parquet is an open source column-oriented data format that can make analysis on a subset of columns faster when compared to loading the entire file in memory. Your schema is directly embedded in the file. This can help SQL warehouse-like tools that require strict schema enforcement.

Event Filters for Exported Data

Bulk exports adhere to any filters that you have applied. Make sure you apply the filters you require before exporting.

Export Lookup Data from Moesif Portal

To export Lookup analysis data from Moesif Portal, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Lookup workspace.
  2. Select Export and then select Bulk Export.
  3. Specify the email address where you want Moesif to send the export file.
  4. Select the export file format.
  5. Select the fields you want to include in the export.
  6. Select Start Export.

The time it takes to export your data depends on the number of customers you export and the number of fields you select.

Export Lookup Data using Moesif Management API

If you want to trigger export jobs using Moesif Management API, contact your account manager or reach out to support for instructions.

Fields Selection

If you don’t want to include all Lookup fields in the bulk export, you can specify the fields you want in the Lookup table before selecting Bulk Export. Otherwise, select All Fields in the Bulk Events Export dialog.

Create Cohort

Saved cohorts define groups of users based on their properties and events they’ve performed. For example, a cohort that defines users who are exceeding rate limits in the last 24 hours. Think of cohorts like a saved list of users that matches some criteria and one that Moesif continuously updates in automatically.

To save a cohort based on your filters, follow these steps:

  1. Select Create Cohort. 'Create Cohort' button in Lookup analysis
  2. Enter the cohort name.
  3. Select Create Cohort.

After creating a cohort, you can target the cohort with Moesif’s automation features like triggering behavioral emails and dynamically sampling customers.

Creating a Sample Rate for a Cohort

To set a sample rate from the User Lookup screen, follow these steps:

  1. Select More Actions and then select Set Sample Rate. example
  2. In the dialog that appears, create a cohort for the sample rate.
  3. In the Add User Sampling Rule dialog, set the Sample Rate and Priority for the sampling rule.
  4. Select Save.

For more information, see Dynamic Sampling.

Save and Share

Moesif gives you several options to share a Lookup workspace. Before you can share, you must first save the workspace to a dashboard.

After saving, follow the instructions in Sharing Workspaces to share your workspace.
